

李小姐 | 来源:泉州金盛源电子贸易有限公司 发布时间:2020-10-13

Quanzhou Jinshengyuan Electronic Trading Co., Ltd


咨询--座机:0595-82081003  邮编 361000



咨询---Q Q: 3404849995



ABB Koppelger?t 88QT02C-E GJR2342500R1000 SIE

ABB Koppelger?t 88TK02A-E GJR2370400R1040 GEB

ABB Koppelger?t 88TK02C-E GJR2370400R1040 OVP

ABB Lasttrennschalter SACE Tmax T7D 1000 GEB

ABB Main.Circ.Interface NINT-41 57619066E NOV

ABB Meldeger?t 89NU04A-E GKWE853000R0200 OVP

ABB Metrawatt Controller U0600 GTU0600A2B0C1D0E2F0 GEB

ABB Modul SDCS-IOB-23 REV: F 3BSE005178R1 GEB

ABB Modul SDCS-IOB-3 REV: G 3BSE004086R0001 GEB

ABB Module DO820 24-250V GEB

ABB Motor QU162S4AT 5,5 kW 50 Hz / 1430 min-1 NOV

ABB Motorschutzschalter MS450-40 1SAM450000R1005 NOV

ABB Nahbus-Koppelger?t 88FN02A-E GJR2370800R0200 GEB

ABB Nahbus-Koppelger?t 88FN02B-E GJR2370800R0100 GEB

ABB Nahbus-Koppelger?t 88FN02B-E GJR2370800R0100 OVP

ABB Nahbus-Koppelger?t 88FN02B-E GJR2370800R0200 OVP

ABB Netzger?t 89NG06 GJR4500920R0003 NOV

ABB Operator Panel MT-60 GATS110092R0001 REM

ABB Operator Panel MT-60 GATS110092R0401 REM

ABB Power Supply 07 NG 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 10 R1 #K2 GEB

ABB Power Supply 07 NG 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 10 R1 GEB

ABB Power Supply 07 NG 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 11 R1 #K2 GEB

ABB Power Supply 07 NG 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 11 R1 GEB

ABB Process Cable 3BSC950007R1 NOV

ABB Processor PM825 3BSE010796R1 #K2 GEB

ABB Program Memory Module 07 PS 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 31 R1 GEB

ABB Program Memory Module 07 PS 61 R2 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 31 R2 GEB

ABB Program Memory Module 07 PS 62 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 32 R1 GEB

ABB Program Memory Module 07 PS 62 R2 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 32 R2 GEB

ABB Program Memory Module 07 PS 62 R3 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 32 R3 OVP

ABB Pulse Transformer Module SDCS-PIN-41A 3BSE004939R1 OVP

ABB Robotics Servomotor PS60/4-50-P-LSS-3985 3HAB3125-1/10 + TS2640N141E172 GEB

ABB Schütz "Lighting and Heating" EH9L-Y OVP

ABB Schütz EH 175 230-240V/40-400Hz GEB

ABB Sensy Temp Einsteck-Thermoelement 245255 154x3m NOV

ABB Sensy Temp Einsteck-Thermoelement UT T Typ K/2 NOV

ABB Servodrive AXODYN DA3501 GNT2009421R0001 GEB

ABB Servodrive AXODYN DK3301 GNT2009417R0001 GEB

ABB Servodrive DKM 03001 3ADM200121R0101 GEB

ABB Servodrive DKM12001 3ADM200124R0101 GEB

ABB Servodrive DPH 07551 D-S15001/1 GNT2009459R0007 GEB

ABB Servomotor M3AA 090 S-6 3GAA093001-CSE NOV

ABB Sicherheitsschaltger?t GHC 473.00 GHC 473.0001 R0005 GEB

ABB Single Servodrive Unit 3HAC14550-3/03A GEB

ABB Speisetrenner Contrans I V17151-32019111 NOV

ABB Speisetrenner Contrans I V17151-72019111 GEB

ABB Standardschaltschrank 1SL0213A00 150213 OVP

ABB Standardschaltschrank 1SL0213A00 150213 OVP #K2

ABB Steuer- und Regelger?t 83SR04E-E GJR2390200R1211 GEB

ABB Steuer- und Regelger?t 83SR05G-E GJR2369900R1100 GEB

ABB Steuer- und Regelger?t 83SR09E 83SR09C-E GJR2366500R1010 GEB

ABB Steuer- und Regelger?t 83SR09E 83SR09C-E GJR2366500R1010 OVP

ABB Steuer- und Regelger?t 83SR50C-E GJR2395500R1210 GEB

ABB Stromüberwachungsrelais 1SVR430840R0200 CM-SRS.11 OVP

ABB Stromüberwachungsrelais CM-PFE 1SVR550824R9100 OVP

ABB Stromversorgungskarte NPOW-41 57619155 OVP

ABB Stromversorgungskarte NPOW-42 57619163 OVP

ABB TC625 Modem 3BSE002224R1 GEB

ABB Torschaltungskarte NGDR-02 KIT 58908185F OVP

ABB überwachungsger?t 89NU01C-E GJR2329100R0100 NOV

ABB UC-Vermessungskarte SDCS-PIN-51 3BSE004940R1 OVP

ABB UC-Vermessungskarte SDCS-UCM-1 61224246 OVP

ABB Vermessungskarte SCDS-AC-IOE-2 61208097 OVP

ABB/BBC Baugruppe 81ET01G-ER1100 GJR2341900R1100 OVP

ABB CPU 07 ZE 60 R201 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 20 R201 GEB

ABB CPU 07 ZE 60 R302 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 20 R302 GEB

ABB CPU 07 ZE 61 R101 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 21 R101 GEB

ABB CPU 07 ZE 61 R201 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 21 R201 #K2 GEB

ABB CPU 07 ZE 61 R201 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 21 R201 GEB

ABB CS31 Busmodul DC551-CS31 1SAP220500R0001 OVP

ABB Current Sensor ES1000-9662 GEB

ABB Current Sensor ES500-9661 GEB

ABB DC-Motor RS230CR10000 + TBN206R10000 GEB

ABB Digital Connect Board SDCS-IOB-23 3BSE005178R1 OVP

ABB Digital Input DI620 GEB

ABB Digitalausgabe DO810 3BSE008510R1 GEB

ABB Digitaleingabe DI810 3BSE008508R1 GEB

ABB Digitaleingabe DI810 3BSE008508R1 OVP

ABB Drive Control Unit NDCU-21 #K2 GEB

ABB Drive Control Unit NDCU-21 #K3 GEB

ABB Drive Control Unit NDCU-21 #K4 GEB

ABB Drive Control Unit NDCU-21 GEB

ABB DSAO 120 Analog Output Board 57120001-EY GEB

ABB DSBC 174 Bus Extender 3BSE012211R1 GEB

ABB DSDI 110A Digital Input Board 57160001-AAA GEB

ABB DSDO 110 Digital Output Modul 57160001-K GEB

ABB Eingabeger?t 81EB11A-E GJR2355200R0001 OVP

ABB Eingaberelais ZR 0101 E GNT0 129400R0001 #K1 GEB

ABB Eingaberelais ZR 0101 E GNT0 129400R0001 GEB

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS50-01E-01A4-2 GEB

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS600 ACN63400093 GEB

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS600 ACN63400203 GEB

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS600 ACN6340060300000000902 GEB

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS600 ACN674-0175-500000000906 GEB

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS800-01-0003-3+E200+K454 NOV

ABB Frequenzumrichter ACS800-01-0003-3+E200+K454 NOV #K2

ABB FU ACS600 ACS60100163000C120000M OVP

ABB Fuse Switch OESA 00-160D2 / 170M1561 GEB

ABB Fuse Switch OESA 00-160D2 / 3NE8015-1 GEB

ABB Fuse Switch OESA 00-160D2 / R5082600 GEB

ABB Fuse Switch OESA 400D3PL / 170M5806 GEB

ABB GDR Power Supply NGPS-02 61339931C OVP

ABB Gleichrichter 3HAC14549-1/06A GEB

ABB Gleichrichter 3HAC14549-3 12A OVP

ABB Gleichrichter 3HAC14549-3/07A GEB

ABB hopf Funkuhren Baugruppe 6021/22 GEB

ABB i-bus Bin?reingang ET/S 6.230.1 GHQ6310024R0111 GEB

ABB i-bus Schaltaktor SA/S 4.10.1 2CDG110040R0011 GEB

ABB i-bus Schaltaktor SA/S 8.16.5S 2CDG110045R0011 GEB

ABB IGBT 7 SP KIT 58918750 OVP

ABB Impulscoder Interface NTAC-02 58967441 GEB

ABB Kabel 3HNE00188-1/09 GEB

ABB Kabel 3HNE00188-1EH NOV

ABB Kabel DSQC 679 3HAC031683-004-R 30m NOV

ABB Kabel DSQC 679 3HAC031683-004-R 30m OVP

ABB Koppelger?t 87TS01 87TS01K-E GJR2368900R1231 GEB

ABB Koppelger?t 87TS01I-E GJR2368900R2340 GEB

ABB Koppelger?t 87TS01I-E GJR2368900R2340 NOV

ABB Koppelger?t 87TS01I-E GJR2368900R2340 OVP

ABB Koppelger?t 87TS01K-E GJR2368900R1232 GEB

ABB Koppelger?t 87WF01G-E GJR2372600R1515 NOV

ABB Koppelger?t 87WF01G-E GJR2372600R1515 OVP

ABB Koppelger?t 88QT02C-E GJR2342500R1000 GEB

ABB Koppelger?t 88QT02C-E GJR2342500R1000 NOV

ABB Analogeingabe 81EA11D-E GJR2374800R0210 OVP

ABB Analogeingabe AI820 3BSE008544R1 GEB

ABB Antr.-Steuerger?t 83SR11R200 GKWE8559000200 OVP

ABB Ausgabebaustein Sigma R1662 GHR 166 0002R0002 (10Stk) OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81AA01E GJR2370100R1000 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 81AA10I-E GJR2370200R1100 NOV

ABB Baugruppe 81AA10I-E GJR2370200R1100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81AA10I-E GJR2370200R1100 SIE

ABB Baugruppe 81AB01E GJR2342600R1000 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 81AB03 81AB03B-E GJR2392500R1210 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 81AB03 81AB03D-E GJR2392500R1210 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 81AB03 81AB03D-E GJR2392500R1210 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81AB10C GKWE850100R0100 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 81AB10C GKWE850100R0100 NOV

ABB Baugruppe 81AB10C GKWE850100R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81EA10A-E GJR2338600R0110 NOV

ABB Baugruppe 81EB02E-E GJR2349000R1000 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 81EB02E-E GJR2349000R1000 NOV

ABB Baugruppe 81EB02E-E GJR2349000R1000 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81EB10D GKWE850000R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81EB10D GKWE850000R0100 SIE

ABB Baugruppe 81ET01G-E GJR2341900R1100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 81ET10D-E GJR2338700R0200 NOV

ABB Baugruppe 83SR03K-E GJR2342800R1500 NOV

ABB Baugruppe 83SR03K-E GJR2342800R1500 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 83SR03K-E GJR2342800R1500 SIE

ABB Baugruppe 83SR06E GJR2388300R1010 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 83SR10B-E GKWE852600R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88FT01D GJR2332200R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88FV01E GJR2332300R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88TV01L-E GJR2385100R1040 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88UB01A GJR2322600R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88UM01A GJR2329800R0100 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88VK01A-E GJR2312200R1010 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88VP02B-E GJR2371100R1040 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 88VP02B-E GJR2371100R1040 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88VT02A-E GJR2363900R1000 OVP

ABB Baugruppe 88VU01E 88VU01A-E GJR2326500R1011 GEB

ABB Baugruppe 88VU01E 88VU01B-E GJR2326500R1011 OVP

ABB Baugruppe CT370A-S GJR21318000R0001 SIE

ABB Baugruppe DD370A-S GJR2316400R0001 SIE

ABB Baugruppe DT370A-S GJR2316500R0001 SIE

ABB Baugruppe LR370A-S GJR2318100R0001 SIE

ABB Baugruppe XV370A-S GJR2317200R0001 SIE

ABB Bedientafel ACS-CP-A OVP

ABB Binary Input Module 07 EB 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 41 R1 GEB

ABB Binary Input Module 07 EB 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 41 R1 NOV

ABB Binary Input Module 07 EB 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 41 R1 OVP

ABB Binary Input Module 07 EB 62 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 42 R1 GEB

ABB Binary Output Module 07 AB 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 60 R1 GEB

ABB Binary Output Module 07 AB 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 60 R1 NOV

ABB Binary Output Module 07 AB 61 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 61 R1 NOV

ABB Branching Unit NDBU-95 DDCS 63985252D GEB

ABB Bus Coupler Module 07 BV 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 70 R1 GEB

ABB Bus Coupler Module 07 CS 61 GJR5240300R0101 GEB

ABB Bus Coupler Module 07 CS 61D GJR5240300R0202 GEB

ABB Connection Unit DSTA170 57120001-FC GEB

ABB Connection Unit DSTD150A 57160001-UH GEBtvONE 1T-DA-554 1x4 DVI Distribution Amp w/HDCP

Tyco 151469 Lipped Blade Terminal, 14-16 AWG, 1000pc Box

Tyco 52430-1 10-12AWG, #6 Fork Terminal, 500pcs

Tyco 52430-1 10-12AWG, #6 Fork Terminal, 500pcs

Tyco 52430-1 10-12AWG, #6 Fork Terminal, 500pcs

Tyco BSTS-17X4 1.7" x 4ft 3:1 Heat Shrink Tubing, 10pcs

Tyco Electronics 2-320577-3 Ring Terminals, 10-12AWG 3/8" Stud, 1000pc Roll

Tyco Electronics CWT-1501 Solder Sleeves Shield Terminators, 500pcs

Tyco Raychem CES-1R Heat-Shrinkable Cable Entry Seals, Right Angle, 50pcs

Tyco Raychem MTCC2P-020-020-01 Connector Shell, 5pcs

Tyco Raychem SCL-1/2-0-STK 1/2" 3:1 Heat Shrink Tubing, 24pcs

Tyco Raychem SCL-1/2-0-STK 1/2" 3:1 Heat Shrink Tubing, 25pcs

Tyco Raychem SST-48-17M/FR/97 1.7" 3:1 Heat Shrink Tubing, 10pcs

Tyco Raychem Versafit-3/64-4-SP 3/64" Yellow Heat Shrink, 1000ft

Tyco Raychem Versafit-3/64-6-SP 3/64" Blue Heat Shrink, 1000ft

UK BS-1361 to IEC C13 power cord, 3m, 7pcs

Unbranded M39003/01-2494 4.7uF 10% 10V Tantalum Capacitor, 47pcs

Unistrut P2380-5 3/8-16 x 2" Channel Nut w/Stud, 25pcs

United Detector 351C & 351D Power Meters, 2pcs

United Detector Technology Model 301B-AC Amplifier

United Detector Technology S370 Optometer

Unity AG-R-4419 Narrow Flood Decklight, 12V

Valcom V-1019B-BK 10W Talkback Pendant Speaker

Veeco Brass Vacuum Valve

Vertex Cables VTXC6-WP CAT6 Plenum-Rated Cable, White 1000ft Copper

Vicor MegaMod Jr VI-LJN3-EZ DC-DC Power Supply, 48V-24V

Vintage 8-pin Vacuum Tube Socket with Bracket, Bakelite, Lot of 24

Vintage Diodes, Assorted Types and Manufacturers, 17pcs

Vintage Round Phenolic Female RCA Jack, Chassis Mount, 50pcs

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #1

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #2

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #3

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #4

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #5

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #6

Virginia Panel Corporation 410104123 G10 ITA Frame Test Fixture #7

Voltex, Inc. Model 2-28-00 HeNe Laser Power Supply

Ward Leonard Contactor Model 5DP4-5021-11 500VDC 180 Amp

Weico W187A Coaxial Cable Type RG187A/U, PTFE, 100ft

Weidmuller 0383560000 Terminal Block End Bracket, 50pcs

Westinghouse A201K5CAZ1 Size 5 Motor Starter, 3-Phase, 270/300 Amp

Whelen Pioneer PFS2 Dual Flood/Spot 16,200 Lumens, 12VDC

White 3-Way Rotary Push ON/OFF Light Dimmer Switch 600W 120VAC

White Dual Slide Fan/Light Control, Fan, 300W Light

Wilcom T362 Dual Fiber Optical Communication Set

Wilspec Reversing Valve RV102A33BZ

Wohler Technologies AMP2A-4S Ultra-Nearfield Stereo Speaker Monitoring Unit

Yokogawa AB-40 AC Ammeter, 1200A, Panel Mounted

Siemens SIMOVERT AFE-Einspeise-Rückspeise- Einheit 6SE7033-7EG80 OVP

A4Tech Industrietastatur + Maus 200604R005 NOV

AB KELVA Membranpumpe VP26 106-8570 OVP

ABB / H&B Grenzsignalgeber TES20 11370-0-1441112 GEB

ABB Advant Controller 31 Basic Unit 07KR91 OVP

ABB Advant Controller 31 Basic Unit 07KT97 NOV

ABB Advant Controller 31 Com.Processor ASCII 07KP92 GEB

ABB Analog Input Module 07 EA 63 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 53 R1 GEB

ABB Analog Input Module 07 EA 63 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 53 R1 OVP

ABB Analog Output Module 07 AA 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 65 R1 GEB

ABB Analog Output Module 07 AA 60 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 65 R1 OVP

ABB Analog Output Module 07 AA 63 R1 Bestell-Nr.: GJV 30 743 68 R1 OVP

ABB Analogeingabe 81EA02E-E GJR2366000R1000 OVP

ABB Analogeingabe 81EA02E-E GJR2366000R1000 SIE

ABB Analogeingabe 81EA04C-E GJR2393400R1210 GEB

SVGA To 5 BNC Breakout Cable SSI-MVGA/MBNC-100, 100ft

Switchcraft EN3C6MX 6-Pin Male Cable End Connector, 10pc Lot

Switchcraft EN3P5FX 5-Pin Female Panel Mount Connector, 10pc Lot

Switching Power Inc OFSX-350Q-U 5VDC 55 Amp/ 12VDC 5 Amp Power Supply

Tampa Microwave Lab LTT 4975-1RU Loop Test Translator

Tandberg E5740 Voyager MPEG-2 SD Encoder DSNG




泉州金盛源电子贸易有限公司 > 新Honeywell10201/2/111502快速程序